Friday, October 12, 2007

Taking Charge

I need to make changes in my life and one of the ways I tried to get myself involved was to enter the Club Chronicle Team Zen challenge. Out of 130 people, the Chronicle ended up picking 11. We have met and exercised with each other for two weeks now, getting together on Auditorium Shores every saturday. We've posted on the Chronicle on our individual blogs and come November, people are supposed to vote for a 'winner'. Winner being designated the ones with the most people votes AND finishing the Trail of Lights 5K in December. I will post more about this later. The essence of this blog is taking charge. I am trying to be literally and figuratively active and not hope for things, but instead, do them. Taking charge.

Trail of Lights 5K 2006

This is one of the reasons why I wanted to challenge myself. I could not keep up with my four year old who was running a 1K (that's less than a mile!).

Rebecca ran like a maniac and you can't tell that I was about to keel over! This is Rebecca doing the kids' bun run.

With the yellow pants, this is my son Dirk:

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